3-Generate - Children and Youth Assembly
In order to get a flavour for this event a report from November 2017 is shown below. Up to date brief reports can be found on the home page of this website or on the methodist church website UK.
3Generate is an annual event organized by the Methodist Church, which brings together up to 2000 young people and leaders for a weekend of praise, prayer and frantic activity.
In November 2017 a party of 13 children aged 10 to 17, predominantly from Les Camps and Rohais Methodist Churches, together with 6 leaders, travelled to Southport for the event. This is the report by one of the Leaders, Nigel Lewis:
3Generate had taken over a Pontin's Holiday Camp which provided ample accommodation and venues for a variety of activities. At no extra charge the site also offered paper thin chalets, sub zero temperatures, biting winds directly off the Irish sea and sleet.
Despite the grim surroundings it was an excellent weekend much appreciated by the young people who are all keen to repeat the experience. There were differing types of worship with live bands, venues exploring aspects of faith through a “messy church” approach, prayer walls, a model of an African hut to bring home the needs of those without water and sanitation, parables retold in a comic way by a theatre group and much, much more.
The older teens also participated in electing a Youth President and creating an inspiring church manifesto which is well worth reading. (See the link on our Home page on this website)
Everyone also had a chance to participate in leisure activities ranging from archery to climbing a tower. The most popular with our group was the swimming pool, mainly because it was the warmest place on the camp.
In these days young people who are Christians are often in a minority as the majority of their friends and school mates are unchurched. Attending this event showed them beyond doubt that they are not alone, that there are thousands of others out there like them and that worship and putting your faith into action can be fun.
This was my first time at 3Generate as a leader and I have no doubt that the contribution made by the churches and Circuit which made the trip possible, is a sound investment in the future.